Information in English

Welcome to Køge Archives

The content of our website is currently not available in English. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

However, you are welcome to contact us with your questions or comments in English.

Any suggestions of pages, that you think will be of special interest to an English-speaking audience, are much appreciated. We will then translate as much of the content as possible.

Until further, we suggest you try Google Translate:|en|

Google’s Chrome browser with translation enabled might prove useful as well.

The staff at Køge Archives

Køge Byarkiv holder kun åbent om torsdagen i ugerne 27-32.

Højelse og Skovbo arkiver holder sommerlukket i uge 27-32. Forespørgsler kan rettes til Byarkivet.

Herfølge har kun åbent om fredagen i ugerne 27-32.